World of Jazz Festival 2023
World of Jazz Festival 2023
Congratulations to everyone involved! B-Jazzed is so proud of the great success that was this year's World of Jazz Festival, September 9th & 10th in Downtown Brampton and this post from B-Jazzed is a big THANK YOU to each and every musician, patron, and listener that made this year's festival a huge success.
We also thank all of the sponsors who helped our organization deliver this festival admission-free for the residents of Brampton, especially our friends at City of Brampton – Your Local Government , and the support from Patrick Brown , and the members of Brampton City Council.
Another big THANK YOU goes out to all of our volunteers who dedicated countless hours for months, as well as over the two-day event. Collectively, their individual actions create the unique and vibrant festival that you experience each September and they share their time, talent and energy to support the vision of the World of Jazz Festival, strengthening the fabric of our community. The collective impact of each volunteer is how our festival keeps getting bigger and better every year.
We hope you enjoyed the 7th annual World of Jazz Festival as much as we did, and we are looking forward to celebrating with you next year, September 7th & 8th in Downtown Brampton!